I love lists! — So here is a list of random & not-so-random facts about me

-I am 22 years old & from Charlotte, NC

-This is my first ever mission trip (talk about diving right into the depth of things!!)

-I can’t explain into any words the love & heart I have for my family

-I quickly learned to love coffee..maybe a bit too much at this point

-I might use the word “absolutely” a bit too much

-My happy place is by any sort of body of water

-Loud music + some alone time is good for my soul

-I have had the same best friends since 6th grade & they are my “people”

-I love cooking for & hosting people..thanks mom for the trait!

-I get so excited sending & receiving handwritten letters –I’ve been pen pals with my grandma for years

-I did the “college thing” a bit more different than normal, but God clearly had other plans for my me

-In my mind..a clean room is a happy room–again, thanks mom!

-I love reading & getting lost in books for hours

-I take thousands of pictures, most of them aren’t good but its all about the memories for me

-Most of all: Jesus!!! He is the reason I am doing this, He has completely captured my heart and I am putting my all and everything in Him to take on this crazy journey of traveling to 11 countries in 11 months.Every day I am amazed at what God is doing in my life, and how He is moving in my heart. He has completely turned my world upside down and I continually fall more in love with Him and His grace.

Like I said, I have never been on a mission trip before. I love my family & friends like crazy and I am scared to leave them & everything behind. But God has called on me as His missionary for the world, so I will boldly leave my life behind and chase after whatever He has in store for me.