I just got back from Training Camp, which is some time we take to prepare for the Race. Adventures In Missions (AIM) staff organise this huge retreat, with informational sessions, squad bonding time, worship, sermons, and field scenarios.
For future World-Racers, and all those interested in what this intense 11-day training camp looks like, listen up.
I present my tips and tricks, and key take-aways:
-Don’t forget bug spray. (Really, you’ll be one giant bug bite by the end if you do)
-Bucket showers using cold hose water are actually way better than they sound!
-Meeting your entire squad for the first time, as well as all the other squads launching at the same time as you, feels like walking into the wrong high school gymnasium during a pep rally, but stay strong. You will have some AMAZING friends by the end (approximately 150 of them).
-Eat the food they put in front of you. Everything is really delicious, you’re going to wish you had more by 9pm, and if you don’t eat it, they throw it away (so don’t be wasteful).
-You may not have all the details for everything that is going to happen but be patient and submissive. The craziness works itself out (usually) or is explained (usually); and is ultimately just fine.
-Bring instant coffee or tea, because although they don’t give you real coffee, you’re going to NEED the caffeine (Think: sessions and meetings from 8am to 9pm and imagine that without coffee. No thank you.).
-If you bring candy or chocolate (or donuts- shoutout to Brandon’s mom), everyone will like you instantly.
-Listen to the alumni Racers and staff who speak to you; they have incredible amounts of wisdom and are super passionate followers of Jesus.
-It’s hot in the jungles of Georgia. DRINK WATER. PLEASE.
-Be open to how the Holy Spirit works in you and in other people. Not everyone worships God the same or comes from the same background, but each person is treasured and loved by the Lord.
-This is basically a giant test for what the Race will look like, in ways that AIM plans it out and in so many other ways. Guaranteed you’ll come home with a WAY different perspective on what you need in your pack.
-At the end, you may wish Launch was right away or you may wish you had more time at home. Regardless, enjoy every day you have with the full realization that today can never be repeated and tomorrow will come soon enough (I know I am excited to spend time soaking up the spoils of America like peanut butter and my doggo before I leave!).