This weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in the March For Our Lives in Washington, D.C. [Don’t get your panties in a twist, I’m not here to get any political debates started; there’s a different takeaway that I want to talk about.*]

As I stood on Pennsylvania Avenue, surrounded by thousands of emotive people (of all ages and colors) carrying stimulating, powerful signs, I realized the true end goal of every march: Jesus.

Even if they don’t realize it, what every protester is desiring, is crying out for, is a world like the Kingdom of God. You can hear it in their diction, present in every speech, every chant, and on every poster:

“Stand together”

“See your enemy as your brother”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“No hate! No fear! Everyone is welcome here!”

“All the hate has got to go.”

“Arms are for hugging”

“We choose life.”

“Bring it into the light of justice”

“Fairness and equality”

“This is not a party issue. This is a moral issue.”

“Hope, not fear.”

“Disarm hate”

“And a child will lead them.”

“We want the truth”


In this world, we want peace. We ache for a place where our children are protected and safe, wherever they go. Where family dissidence and domestic disputes are nonexistent. Where those who hate and harm are judged fairly and justly by a Supreme Power that cannot be manipulated or bribed. Where guns, racism, hate, sexism have no hold over our lives. We want equality for men, women, children, black people, brown people, white people, and all other individuals who exist. We want collaboration, partnership, harmony, unity.

Do you know where this can all be found? Where Light reigns, and all men are united in love?

Under the wide protection of God’s wings.

In Psalm 91:4, we hear this promise: “He will cover you with his feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”

How comforting to know that our Creator, the Creator of all the Universe, cares about us enough to protect us. Like a baby bird, we are pulled under the shield and protection of His wings. We can rest here, we can thrive here. The Bible is full of promises like Psalm 91:4. Over and over, we read that the Lord gives us strength, power, protection, victory, love, freedom, prosperity, blessings, deliverance, and so much more…**

Living on this earth is sad and hard (it’s also pretty beautiful, and don’t get me wrong, the magnificence of creation and the amazing people I know make it well worth it). Almost every turn I make, I see hardship and sorrow. I believe that God’s heart hurts as much (probably more) than ours do when things happen like school shootings, police brutality, misogynistic abuse, and human trafficking. He created this world to be an extension of His Heaven, where His children (created in His image) could live in joy among bountiful, beautiful flora and fauna. But sin entered the world when Satan tempted Adam and Eve, and in the weakness inherent of our fragile selves, they submitted. But! (–to the but of sin coming into the world) we have the hope of a Savior!!!

When Jesus returns, He will bring the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Heaven. The faithful believers will be reborn and live in new bodies for all of eternity; the wicked will be cast into hell. Completely, and finally, Jesus will defeat and destroy all evil. Friends, this includes Satan, sin, death, and suffering!

As John writes in Revelation: “then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away … God Himself will be with them [us] and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:1-4)

My heart longs for this day. So, take courage, my friends. The Lord is in the waiting. He is coming soon, and He will rid the earth of these pains and sorrows.


*But clearly, by me going, you know what I support… mad shoutout to the beautiful people who marched in D.C. and around the country, especially Kristen, Ace, Nick, Sunny, and Dad for going with me.

**Check out this link for Biblical references to all of these promises (and more!)