I wrote this in the midst of the absolute chaos of Launch (saying goodbye to family, getttign some last minute teachings, preparing to fly out on Tuesday…) so please excuse the possible/probable grammatical error.


These eleven things are basically the top eleven things that I want to tell you. They relate to country or time specific things, but also general facts about me on the Race.


1) August. This may be the hardest month for me, not because its the first month away, but because of what has already happened. Last year (2017), I experienced multiple life-shattering, grief-stricken events within a period of 6 weeks. All the “one year anniversaries” of those events are fast approaching, and remembering the pain is not going to be easy for me. I ask that you praying for me extra hard this month, especially on the days 11 Aug, 18 Aug, 9 Sept, and 11 Sept.

2) Month 2.. ?? Well, I don’t actually know where I will be after the Dominican Republic. The destination of month 2 is unknown, but months 3 to 11 are as follows: South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, India, Nepal, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia.

3) During month 3, my brother is turning 21. We are super super close- like so close that people have thought we are dating, and even fraternal twins (yes, he has been mistaken as a girl but that’s a story for another time). In all seriousness, he is my best friend and I’m going to miss our adventures together (and the almost daily Mitchell’s).

4) In month 4, the full amount of my funds are due. Praise God, I am so close, but I am still $3200 short! Would you consider helping me get there? You can easily donate through the main page of my blog!

5) Month 5. This one is a little more serious. I want it to be clear I am not a “White Savior”. I am not God’s gift to mankind. I am not the one who will pull humanity out of poverty or disease or suppression. I don’t believe that I am, and I don’t want you to think that I am either. The people I encounter may have less than I do, but I am there to love them, and serve them. I do not expect to force or coerce my religion upon them. Choosing to follow Jesus is just that- a choice. I will show them the love I know through MY Savior, but as with anyone I know, it is their choice to believe it and experience that love themselves. For more on this, please read my lovely squadmate Amy’s blog: https://amyjohnson.theworldrace.org/post/ethical-storytelling-pt-1-the-hero-complex
(She says it way better than I can, but I agree with everything)

6) THIS MONTH. WOW. I CANNOT WAIT for a whole month of Indian food. Like, guys, curry and naan is my freaking JAM. I could eat for days. India is going to be a great month. (rip my waistline).

7) Receiving mail is likely not going to be a reality for me. I will, likely, have Wi-Fi pretty frequently, whether my accomodations provide it or there is an internet café down the street.I love you all so much and it makes my world go ’round when I talk to you and hear about what’s happening in your lives. But, I’m am not here to sit on my phone. I may be able to talk to you a lot more than I actually will. This does not mean that I don’t love you, I promise!! This trip is way more about God working through me, than me texting you about the cute coffee shop I found. There will be a time and place (honestly, a whole season) to talk about those things.

8) The Lord is going to work in crazy, radical ways through my squad and myself. The way I tell you these stories, the diction I may use, and the boldness of my tone may offend some of you all. You may not understand it, you may think I’m wrong. If that’s the case, please give me grace and be open to the work of the Holy Spiirt. We can also talk about the situation ad naseum, and I can answer any questions you have, when I get back.

9) I probably will have the opportunity to have some exciting adventures, do some touristy stuff, and you’ll probably see the pictures from that. However, the focus is on the Lord and living out His kingdom. His work is happening, and I hope all of those experiences will be evident to you through my blog. 

10) One of the questions I have received most frequently about the Race is “what are you doing after?” I just graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Engineering and I really feel like the right choice for me is to pursue a career in that! So I will be looking for and (hopefully) getting a job, preferably within stormwater management and sustainable infrastructure.

11) Guys, eleven months is going to pass by in a blip. I’ll be back before you know I’m gone. But when I get back, and we sit down to swap stories, you all better have some good stories to share as well! Thank you for being my support team and loving me so so well. I can’t wait to see you soon.