Preparing for the race has been, to say the least, overwhelming in more ways than one. I have felt “all the feels” just within these past 2 months of diving in head first. However, through all the licking of envelopes, overload of information, wish-list making, and carpel-tunnel, I have felt an undeniable sense of joy and gratitude. “Squid A” (our squad name) has grown to almost 60 people! As a squad, we travel to each country together. However, once we get there, we divide up into our pre-arranged teams of about 6-7 people who we will do ministry with each month. I will be able to officially meet all these beautiful people at training camp on July 6-16th in Atlanta, Georgia! Training camp will be preparation to better equip us for our new life starting in September.
Speaking of new life, I’ve had this constant prayer that I remain fully present these next 7+ months until I leave, rather than sulking in what I could easily make a “time of waiting.” God’s will for me isn’t to wait until September to dedicate 11 months fully devoted to serving his people. No. God’s will for me is right where I’m at- to serve his people yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever. God is teaching me that experiencing his will has nothing to do with where I am, but everything do to with how I live day in and day out. In Colossians 4:5 it says “…make the most of every opportunity.” The key to this lies in my relationship with Jesus. And although I cannot repay Christ for all he has done, I can demonstrate my gratitude by showing his love to others. And the amazing part of this process is how much that love has been reciprocated.
The Lord has graciously shown me the beautiful hearts of his people. I have seen a glimpse of the true family of Jesus- people simply yielding to the will of our mighty Father.
I had not one, but TWO complete strangers empty their wallets into my hands when I told them about the World Race. And I will never forget what one of them told me… He said, “This is family.” God revealed to me that there indeed are no strangers in the body of Christ. We are family, and it is our call to be more like Jesus in all that we do.
I wish there were words to fully express how thankful I am for the support, encouragement, and prayers I have received thus far. By joining me in this journey, you are giving hope to the hopeless, freeing people trapped in bondage, bringing love to the forgotten orphans, and building God’s unfathomable Kingdom. Through the doubt and the worry, God has used his people and their support to remind me of how great his love is. And for this I will be forever grateful.