I knew God put an overwhelming and amazing passion in my heart this past spring break on a mission trip to Nicaragua to serve the oppressed. I went with an amazing group of college students and we were all so pumped to be there and act as the hands and feet of Jesus. Whoa! I had a burning fire lit in my heart with desire overwhelming me after that one week. But, I also realized that one week was nowhere near enough time. So when I got back to reality, I got busy on the internet looking up different organizations to somehow dedicate the next chapter in my life to serving others. What I didn’t realize at that time, was that I am called to serving the Lord through serving others.
I put my facebook stalking skills to good use and started searching for something to catch my eye. Adventures in Missions popped up on my facebook page.
I was captivated. I read blogs for hours a day. Seriously I was dragging butt all day long because I would find myself staying up until 3 am reading blogs, watching videos, and crying (all the while taking 18 hours in school and having a job). But I didn’t care, that fire in my heart was blazing at this point and it’s all I thought about.
So I prayed about it. A lot. I asked God if this was my calling. Am I really capable of feeding those hungry for the gospel? Can I handle this? Am I a “strong” enough christian? I’m about to graduate college, and the next step is usually to find a job…should i just stick to that “normal” lifestyle?
During one of my daily World Race stalks, I came across the executive director’s (Seth Barnes) page and saw that he dedicated his calling to missions for the hungry and oppressed in Isaiah 58. I opened my bible to Isaiah 58 and had an overwhelming amount of highlights and my notes all over. I read it over and over again and realized I couldn’t do anything with my life right now BUT serve those hungry for the gospel and follow the LORD. I called my parents and told them to look at the World Race website and let me know their thoughts. Their opinion means a lot to me so when my mom called back and asked, “Can I come too?” I knew I had their full support. Let the application process begin!
By the grace of God, I got accepted and could not be more excited about giving my life up to Him and following Him on a trek around the world for the next year of my life. I continue to get affirmation of my plans from God as things come into my life and I think to myself “whoa I won’t have that for a year” or “I could take this job” …and i actually get excited about things I’m giving up! I can’t wait to not care about possessions for a year, I can’t wait to not go on a date for a year (not that it happens much, but you get the point), I can’t wait to not have my bed for a year, I CAN’T WAIT! I know all of it sounds crazy but I’m ready. And while I still have my fears, I know this is what God wants for my life and I am stoked to put it all in His hands COMPLETELY for the first time in my life.
“He is no fool who parts with that which he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” -Jim Elliot