I feel like life is so hectic sometimes. Juggling class, working out, a job, stressing about support raising, trying to keep in touch with friends…it all just seems so overwhelming sometimes. 

As I was reading this morning Luke 6:46-49 really spoke to me. It talked about putting God’s words into practice and obeying Him. The verse used the analogy of building a house; when we hear God’s words but don’t apply them to our lives, it’s like a man who built a house on no foundation. Any storm that strikes the house will collapse. If we don’t live our lives according to His word, we will collapse.

But, there is always HOPE

God also says that He will show us what he is like if we put his words into practice–like building a sturdy house built on a strong foundation that won’t be shaken from a storm. 

This got me thinking–how strong is my foundation REALLY? 

What strong words is He trying to tell me that I’m not applying to my life? 


    Have Faith. 


Exchange a sweet spirit for bitterness.

I realized I need to take more time from my crazy day to sit and really listen.

 I want my foundation to continue to be stronger for God. 

I want to be ROCK SOLID.