I feel like it is almost impossible to eloquently describe what all happened to me at training camp. It was definitely one of the most draining and most difficult weeks of my life, but it was also one of the best. Training camp was completely life altering and transformative. If I had to pick three words that most described what I felt this week they would be freedom, growth, and love.
I learned how to grieve my past and move on. I learned that Jesus really did pay for it all on the cross and when He said "it is finished," he meant it. I dealt with my shame and have truly moved on with a sense of liberation and freedom.
I grew tremendously in my relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I've begun to take steps towards a new, intimate relationship with my heavenly dad. I grew in my understanding of the power of God. I grew as a person.
I felt a physical love from God that I have never experienced before. I saw Jesus wrap his arms around me in an embrace. I felt the Spirit inside of me revealing my worth. I also felt such an intense love from a group of 55 strangers who quickly became my family. I fell in love with community and how it will shape me over the next year. And most importantly, I feel more in love with God. I came away with such a new hunger for Him that I can't wait to fill for the rest of eternity.
I know this may seem like a vague description of the week, but if I attempted to tell you everything amazing that I saw or experienced, this would be the longest blog post in history. But I do want to let you know that I saw miracles, I saw power, I saw love, and I saw lives being changed. Our God is still the powerful God we read about in the Bible. He is still here and ready to do great things. He showed up and He showed off this week, and has completely renewed my faith in Him and made me so excited for the next 11 months.
On another quick note, I wanted to officially introduce you all to my new teammates! Kevin, Zach, Tiffany, Kadie, Sara, and I are Team Radical Obedience and we are ready to change the world!