During the month of December my team was assigned to the task of finding "Unsung Heros." This meant we spent our time trying to find new ministries throughout Thailand that may be able to partner with AIM or the World Race in the future. This was one of my favorite months because we got to travel around the country, make our own schedule, and meet some amazing people. We made connections with some great ministries that I'm considering coming back to work with in the future. 


Since we didn't get the chance to do "actual ministry" for the month, my video consists mainly of clips from off-day activities. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit some tigers in Chiang Mai and explore the Phi Phi islands down in Phuket. 


Thank you again so much for all of your prayer and support! I am now more than half way done with the race and can't believe I will be home in less than 5 months!