Right now, I am sitting in a coffee shop (trying not to pull my hair out) as I desperately search for an open door to help a young girl my friends and I met on the street one day.
Her case is difficult, her life is seeming like one big question mark and really this past week has been one of a lot of blind trust in The Lord as it feels like the whole one step forward two steps back dance is unending.
This is hard. We are going at this basically alone, blind, grasping and swinging and missing.
But there is something about her. Something that causes my soul to fight with everything in me to help her, to pull this girl off the streets and into safety no matter how trying and heartbreaking and frustrating the process feels.
Its Abba.
It’s the undeniable fact that He brought her directly to us, gently and powerfully entrusting us with the life of this girl, his daughter.
The world is rejecting her in one million and one ways, and we are being rejected alongside her as we choose to fight to love.
Right now, the road is long and quite unforeseen as we walk with this precious sister, but man oh man am I confident in the hope of my bigger than big, powerful, wild, good good Papa.
We need prayer, and that’s what I am asking for. For patience, perseverance, wisdom, open doors, trust trust trust.
He is moving.