Well, I’ve officially been in Guatemala for (over) one month now! Here are the top 20 things I’ve learned (in no particular order)!


20. I’m super thankful for my team and excited to spend the next 8 months with them!


19. Living with 20 other people is super fun. Most of the time.


18. Feedback is the best.


17. Butter and cheese are a delicacy in Guatemala.


16. Hand-washing your entire wardrobe for an hour and half and air-drying it for 3 days can actually be fun.


15. Everyone loves the game 4 corners.


14. Chicken buses are for people. Lots and lots of people. 


13. Pollo Compero (Guatemala’s fried chicken headquarters) is no Chick-Fil-A, but it’s like Filet Mignon compared to our daily special of “Spaghetti noodles with butter and salt”


12. REI “quick dry towels” begin to stink faster than they dry. 


11. Volcanoes are pretty awesome. Especially when they don’t erupt and kill you in a fiery explosion.


10. Singing “Don’t Stop Believin’” in front of about 200 high school students makes for a great story.


9. Standing in the crater of an active volcano during the pouring rain with 20 of your squad mates also makes for a great story. Running down that volcano makes for scraped knees and stitches for some of those squad mates.


8. Wifi free days are sometimes the best days.


7. I love that God is a mysterious God and I will never know everything about Him, but I love learning what He allows me to!


6. Business is business- the slogan of every market storeowner.


5. People really do poop themselves on the World Race (not me) (yet).


4. It is very important to stress the squiggly thing above the ñ in “años.” One of my teammates accidentally told a whole class of 7-year-olds that he has 20 butt holes. 

3. Communication, honesty, and vulnerability can turn a group of 20-somethings just living together into a biblical community. 


2. Girls toot.


1. Jesus is alive, He is good, and He is giving us many opportunities to make Him known!




Thank you for keeping up with me! Continue to pray that the Lord would be glorified in the things being done here in Guatemala. Grace and peace be with you all!