Guatemala is an amazing place. 

In the few days that I’ve been here I have experienced some amazing things…


The people are warm and welcoming, the sites are stunning, and each turn offers a new adventure. I am truly thrilled to be here and be a part of what God is doing. 

But I want more.

I don’t mean that I want more of the material things around me, but I desire to be overwhelmed by the presence of God, propelled by His Spirit, and wrecked by the goodness of Jesus. I want to love the least of these and die to myself so that I can live to Christ.

I am not in Guatemala to be nice to people, to enjoy the sites, or to have a good time. I am here because the Lord of all creation called me by name to enter into what He is doing here. And I want to be all in. 

I don’t know what this will look like, but I do know that it will be for my good and God’s glory.

The few days that we have been here have been busy. Since there are 21 of us partnered with Nueve Generacion, we have many ministry opportunities. These include teaching English, translating curriculum from Spanish to English, discipling national missionaries preparing to go to Honduras, having Bible studies with local teens, building houses for families living on $2 a day, and teaching values classes. I have been a part of the latter 4, and I am truly enjoying these ministries.

But to be honest, I feel like a humanitarian, not a missionary. I feel like I am doing nice things for people rather than proclaiming truth that has the power to set people free from their bondage and captivity. And I know there’s more than what I’m feeling. 

My prayer is that the Lord would fill me with His Spirit and I would live in total surrender of all that I am. I want Jesus to empty me of me so that I can be full of Him. 

So how does this happen? What am I going to do? I refuse to become complacent in my ministry, so I must dive into what God is doing. In Tony Souder’s “Pray For Me” prayer guide, he discusses the three “S’s” of ministry- see, savor, and share. This week and beyond, I must strive to see Jesus in all things, big and small. Whether I am walking through town, or shoveling dirt in a village on the side of a volcano, Jesus is working, and I must choose to see that. Then, I must savor what I see- to love what I see Jesus doing. Finally, what option will I have but to share that? When I see and savor, sharing is inevitable.

As this happens, I pray that people would not see me, but see He who is in me. That Jesus would be known in every corner of Antigua, Guatemala, and that this nation would bow at the feet of our King. 

I want more of you, Jesus, so that they can see you in me and respond in adoration.