Hello friends and family!
I am so grateful for the love you all have shown me through your generous financial donations and continuos prayers. God is faithful and just. He has used each of you, my brothers and sisters-the church, to send me on this journey of kingdom expansion, church edification, and Christ exaltation.
The amount of support I have received is overwhelming and encouraging. Each supportive word said, dollar donated, and prayer sent is another blow to satan and victory for the body of Christ. God is using us to grow His church!
What a wonderful thing to be a part of!
Please continue to grow Christ’s kingdom by carrying out these three things… Well, at least the first two.
FIRST (and most important): Pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says,
“pray without ceasing,”
Now, I know this command isn’t the easiest to follow. Trust me, I have a hard time humbling myself to many things, especially cry out to the Lord in times of need. Nevertheless, it is a command, and all commands are for our good! Additionally, prayer is meant to grow our relationship with Christ as we depend on Him for all things AND watch Him work! An encouraging thing about the spiritual discipline of prayer is that I KNOW ALL OF YOU can be praying for me and interceding on my behalf while I’m on the field. Charles Spurgeon said,
“We cannot all argue, but we can all pray; we cannot all be leaders, but we can all be
pleaders; we cannot all be mighty in rhetoric, but we can all be prevalent in prayer.”
SECOND: Give. When we talk about giving at church, we almost always feel uncomfortable or even offended by the notion that we should give our money to the church. But isn’t it ironic that we, children of God, become defensive about giving up the very thing that our father so lovingly gave to us? Isn’t it ironic that we nearly hoard the money we posses only to leave it behind when we die? Friends, I am not suggesting in any way that I am better than anyone else at obeying the command to give of my resources, but whether we are comfortable with it or not, it is commanded. Would I think any less of you if you aren’t in a situation where you can give financially to me? Absolutely not. I recognize that some of you work very hard and give to the church, but cannot support me financially (but you can, of course, pray ). For those of you who are able to support me in this way, please prayerfully consider! I believe John Piper nailed it when he said this about missions, “Go, send, or disobey.”
There are some dates that are important to know!
I need around $2,000 to meet my final deadline. I’m trusting Jesus to make this happen!
THIRD: Write me letters . While I’m on the field, I cannot receive any mail… BUT before I leave, you can give me notes/cards/letters for me to read while I’m gone! I would LOVE for all of you to do this! You can even do things like put a specific date (between September and May) and I will open it that day!
Again, thank you all for being so supportive! Grace be with you all!