And we are off! By the time this blog gets posted, the Race will have already begun for my squad in the Dominican Republic. Continue to keep us in your prayers.

However, this blog is dedicated to my time in Chicago for Launch.

This was my first time in Chicago. Actually, it was a lot of “firsts” for me. My first plane ride, my first taxi ride, and my first train/subway ride. I had a blast! Getting to try new things and experience new things is all a part of the adventure that lies ahead.

That being said, Launch was more than a fun time in Chicago. It was a time to prepare our hearts for the year ahead. It was about establishing the type of environment our team needs to become. It was a time to listen to God and allow Him to show us how to walk more like Christ.

At Launch, Freedom in Christ was declared, Sacrifice was demanded, and Love was affirmed.

This next year will not be easy, it will be the complete opposite. But oh man, there is such a beauty in that! I can already see the ways in which the Lord will challenge me, stretch me, and mold me into the woman of God he created me to be.

An army is rising up. That was evident here in a small hotel in Chicago. We are an army wearing the armor of faith, walking in humility, and bringing to life the Kingdom in Jesus’s sweet name!

First plane ticket!

First train ride into the city!