So there I was, in the middle of a very small, jungle-ish village outside a small town in eastern Malaysia. And I received the BEST Christmas present ever.

 It came in the shape of a few small boys running after our van as it was leaving and them handing me pink flowers through the back window. They even chased the van afterwards. Yep, just like a movie scene.

That whole day was a gift from God. The night before we were asked if we could help a Pastor in another village. We didn’t know what this would look like; and honestly, I wasn’t too excited about going at first. But it was almost like I could hear God telling me to say yes and go, because He had something He wanted to show me.

And He definitely did.

We went to meet the Pastor, and the other WR team living in this area was going with us. Whoo hoo! I hadn’t seen them all month and it was SO good to see their happy, familiar faces. Thank you Jesus!

Then, we drive out to this remote village and go into a one room church. A church filled with smiling children. We took off our shoes and joined them on the floor. We were blessed with the opportunity to pray with them, sing with them, perform some Christmas songs for them, and play with them. Ah, just what my heart needed!

After the Pastor told them about Jesus and the meaning of Christmas, we were able to help serve the children and their parents a fresh meal. Then, we were even fed ourselves. Thanks again Jesus! You keep on blessing me in the best ways!

{Sidenote: the meat we ate was freshly killed & cooked wild boar. Yum! }

After the meal, I got the chance to run around with the children inside the church. We were just being silly; playing tag, making animal noises and faces, and having them cling to me as I tried to walk. It was beautiful, and I laughed and smiled so much.

You see, God knows what we need. And on this day, I was needing the sweet smiles of those particular children. I was needing to see God alive and at work in this small village. And He was. He was alive and joyful in the hearts of those people. He was alive in those sweet boys who gave me the flowers as we headed out.

I left that place feeling completely loved. I hope those children feel the same love. The love that only their Father can give them. 

Merry Christmas everyone! 
& a Happy New Year!