Remember that person who changed your life?

I do. Her name is Lequita “Jerry” Alexander Martin. Otherwise known as, Gangan.  She was my sweet, beautiful grandmother. 

And on October 16th, 2012, she went to go dancing with Jesus and feast at her Father’s table.

There is this story my Gangan would tell me every time I saw her. It was the story about the first time we met. When I was in the nursery at the hospital and she was looking at me through the glass, she said I looked right at her and I knew she was mine.  I knew she was my grandmother. 

Oh, I would love to hear her tell me this story just one more time! 

I guess that’s how it is when you lose someone; you always want one more time, chance, or hug with them.  But I am choosing to walk in her memory with gladness in my heart, and praise God for every single moment we had together.  What a blessing our time together has been!

Gangan and I, we had (and still do) a special bond. I’m not claiming to be the favorite grandbaby; I’m just acknowledging the special relationship we shared. I like to think we are 2 women who share the same the heart. I can see myself in her, or better put…I see her in me.  What a gift! She was a great woman and I would cherish nothing more than being a woman who resembles her.

Her heart for people, her genuine joy, and spunky attitude made her a game changer. She was changing people’s lives right and left, all for good. Her compassion for the people around her was something beautiful and inspiring. Her ability to just be herself and walk in her identity was, and is, something I strive to imitate.

There are so many good things about my Gangan, I could write for days. She truly loved her family with unconditional love. I never wanted for anything with her. She made sure her grandbabies were taken care of. She made sure we were loved, and that we knew that we were loved. I did, Gangan! I knew, and still know, how much you love me! Thank you for loving me and being my grandmother.

Thank you, God, for giving her to me. Thank you for bringing us together in this life, so that we could spend eternity together in Heaven. I will forever cherish the joyous and happy moments we shared together.  We shared many laughs, cups of tea, movie nights in her room, shopping sprees, hours in her beautiful garden, and so much more. Our lives together were full of true joy and happiness. Many smiles, tender glances, and “I love you’s” were exchanged. Such genuine love.

I love you Gangan!! Thank you for everything you ever did for me and all that you taught me. It was a true honor being your granddaughter and friend. I look forward to the day in Heaven when I get to be held by you once more. 

Gangan and I in May of 2010

The is the last picture Gangan took with all her grandbabies. It was July, 4th 2012, one day after her 57th wedding anniversary to my Papaw. What a blessing it is to be in this family. Thank you for so much love!