I title this post “We are Holy” for one reason. We are just that. “Holy” in Hebrew means to be set apart. We are set apart.
We are set apart for God, to do his will, and are not meant for anyone
else. I believe our God is a jealous God, and takes pride in us. He
loves watching us grow and takes delight when we come into his presence.

Romans 1:1 “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the Gospel of God..”

13:2  “While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy
Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which
I have called them”

Paul was set apart by God to start his church. The way it’s been described to me is in 3 steps:

First off, he was set apart to Jesus Christ, to serve him, and to follow him while Christ did his physical ministry on earth.

Second, he was set apart from sin, to a life of purity.

Third, he was set apart for purpose!

The order of this is important. Notice that first Paul put himself
serving others first, then let God clean up his past life, then he
received his purpose, not the other way around. Paul didn’t go after
his purpose first. He wasn’t thinking of himself. His humility and
character naturally paved his life to serving others first.

I find this a very useful point. So many of us my age are always
concentrating on what our individual purpose is, and waiting around for
God to slap us with our calling. Maybe there a steps he asks us to walk
in order to get there. Just a thought. Back to Paul…

Paul was set apart, which means he was Holy. Guess what? We are Holy
too! We are set apart as well! I think our role on the race is much
similar to Paul’s and we have much to learn from his story. (I mean
he’s kinda a big deal, he kinda wrote most of the New Testament)

Paul went from culture to culture, village to village, spreading the
good news of Jesus Christ. Sound familiar? We are going to be doing the
same thing! Paul was only one man, so he didn’t reach the whole world.
There are still unreached parts of this world! For me, that’s difficult
to believe because I grew up in a state where Baptist churches are more
common than high schools.

Matthew 28:19
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”

We are Jesus’ disciples, just as Paul was. We are called to disciple nations. We are Holy and set apart.

I give my thanks and credit to Kevin Queen for his message this past
Sunday on the life of Paul. A lot of the points of this post come from
notes in that message.