John 14:17
“the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives in you and will be in you.”

Notice Jesus doesn’t say you might know him, but you know him. Somehow by the power of God, when we accepted the invitation to follow Jesus, our minds knew there is something else in our head (the Holy Spirit), which we mistaking call our conscience. We didn’t have a choice to get the Holy Spirit, we signed up for the whole package!

I think a good visual on how we think is pictured as a unique conference room in our head. Three entities attend meetings in this conference room. I believe there is our own personal moral conscience present, whose opinion is based on our past decisions and experiences. I also believe that the Holy Spirit is another counselor that shows up. He is Truth from the Father, bringing the best opinions to the table. There is also just our fleshy person, and it’s opinion is based on just desire in the moment.

Everyday, these meetings occur, for split seconds, every time we are presented with a choice. They also might take days, weeks, and years. There are probably multiple issues brought up in the meetings, and some issues that chosen to avoid.

I think the Holy Spirit speaks to us all the time everyday, however, we just don’t choose to hear him often. We don’t let him into the conversation. Our minds sub-consciencely shut the door to the conference room, and say “Hey, this is a Alex-only meeting, we’ll invite you when we want your input.” Most of the times this is the case, and sometimes he busts through the door and just lets us know how it is!

The wise thing though is that we should always invite the Spirit of Truth into the meeting, because:

John 16:13
“But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”

The Holy Spirit is best counselor we have. Whether it’s just taking a few seconds to stop and pray, or continually seeking our His will, we should always try and listen to the opinion of the Spirit.

Ok… so the conference room idea is kind of out-there, but I’m a visual learner and that’s how I tick. I don’t think it was any type of revelation, just a creative idea on how we might think.