OK well lets see where do I start. I grew up in a small town in North Texas. I have a Dr. Pepper addiction. I am die hard Dallas Cowboy fan. I have been on a mission trip each summer with my churches youth group since I was 13. I am a health sciences major at Grayson County College. And apparently I’m not very good about talking about my self.
On every mission trip I’ve been I have walked away feeling closer to God. My mom always taught me to help where I could,  not just physically, and emotionally, but spiritually as well. I was raised in a single parent household where a lot of the time emotionally and spiritually were the only ways I could help. Out of this came my call to missions when I was 18. I was in Europe on a Girl Scout trip, yes I was and still am a Girl Scout. It was a senior trip that my troop had worked hard to plan and to raise money for us to on. While on our bus in London, I suddenly got the thought I whish I could do something more than sight see while I was here. In that moment I knew what I was called to do and that was to do mission work. After that summer, I wert off to college and forgotten about my call. This I discovered was a bad idea.

God got me out of the situation I had created, which looking back was a blessing in disguise. And I found myself jobless and moving back home. There was still a nagging thought of, I need to do more with my life. Than late one night after work God gave me The World Race. I took a chance and applied and here I am now. Sitting writing a blog about me and why I am on this trip. I’m excited beyond belief and anxious and worried all at the same time. And now its time get this journey started!

God Bless