Where in your life has Jesus shown you His love?
This question all started with a discussion of two different kinds of struggles. People who know the love of the Lord but don’t always feel it, and people who feel the love of the Lord but don’t necessarily know it. I would say I’m the first kind of person-a person who knows I’m loved by Him but don’t always feel it. This is true for me in my relationship with God and in my relationships with people.
The phrase “I love you” is something I’ve often heard from people. It’s a phrase abused by people so willing to toss it around like it’s salad. I’ve heard this phrase a few too many times from people who make an incredibly mediocre effort to actually display the power “I love you” really has. Which leads me to needing to actually be shown the love not just told about it. This brings me back to the question, where in your life has Jesus shown you His love? My mind immediately looked to how He has shown up for me last week, last month, last year… I blatantly forgot one very big way Jesus has shown His love for me. The cross.
In the moment of silence after being asked where Jesus has shown up for me I would love to tell you I immediately recognized the monumental sacrifice Jesus made for me and for every one of us. I wish I could tell you how every day I’m reminded of His colossal display of affection. I wish I could tell you that every time I see a silver cross hanging from the neck of a fellow sinner I’m reminded of the blood shed for our sake. I think many of us forget it way too easily.Why am I so focused on everything going on in the right now and how He is working in me right now, I forget to stop and think: He died on the cross for me.
He died on the cross for me. For me. I am worth dying for. How different would this world be if every morning you took time to remember, “I am worth dying for?” I think we would love a lot differently. It is no coincidence that we are commanded to love each other as Jesus loves us. Jesus is the love that brings people together. Jesus is the love that moves mountains. Jesus is the love that is pure and selfless. Jesus is the love that died for you. Can you imagine if people loved people with that kind of love? We would be a nation of people exuding Jesus.