“Then she [Mary] gave birth to her firstborn Son, and she wrapped Him snugly in cloth and laid Him in a feeding trough – because there was no room for them at the lodging place.” – Luke 2:7

There was no room for them at the lodging place. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords was laid in a feeding trough because there was no room. I want you to think about that for a minute. A feeding trough is filthy. It’s where the animals go to feed (obviously). There would probably be slobber from the animals, food leftover in the trough, and if I had to guess, it smelled pretty foul. Definitely not suitable for a King. But that’s where baby Jesus was laid down at; because there was no room for Him.

How insulting, right? To not have room for the Lord of all creation! I think about what would happen if Prince William and Kate showed up to my city with their baby and wanted a hotel room. If it were all full, I’m pretty certain that some strings would be pulled in order for them to have a comfortable stay at that hotel. But not for Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus.. they were booted to the stables with a dirty feeding trough.

Now let me ask you this question… do you have room for Jesus in your own life? Are you putting him to the side so you can fit in other things? Are you letting Him be the King over your life? I want to encourage you to make room for Him that’s suitable for a King.

Merry Christmas 🙂