My God, I cry by day, but You do not answer, by night, yet I have no rest.
– Psalms? ?22?:?2?

Some seasons that we go through are silent. As of right now, I feel like I’m in a silent season. I’m not hearing God’s voice as often and I feel distanced from Him. I’ve felt like there’s a chunk missing out of my life. It’s seasons like this that remind me how I desperately need Him.

It’s in the silent seasons where I become even more desperate for Him. It’s in the silent seasons that I’m reminded of how I can’t function without Him, and it reminds me of how my life is found in Him. He is my sustainer (Psalm 54:4).. He fills my life with joy in the midst of hardships( Psalm 4:7).. He gives me purpose (Psalm 138:8).

Therefore, I’m thankful for the silent seasons. I hate not hearing from God, but it’s in these times that I become so desperate for Him that I am pushed beyond what I thought I could push in order to reach His presence.

Seeking His presence is like a physical hunger. Usually when we’re full, we don’t go back for more. But when we’re starving, were grateful for any crumb we can get.

Matthew 5:6 says, “Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed, for they will be filled”.

When we seek Him out, we will be filled..even in the silent seasons. That’s a promise we can cling to.