It was our first day of ministry: bar and cabin ministry reaching out to prostitutes.

We had prayed prior to going out and were ready to go out to share the love of God with these women. We get to the area where the cabins are, and I can’t even begin to tell you how tangible the darkness was. But I felt that with every step we took, darkness was retreating.

We made our way into one cabin where we were invited to come sit down for coffee and to talk. We followed them down a hallway to the back of the cabin. There were no windows and there was no electricity, so we pulled out our phone lights and that’s when we saw the “rooms” that were just 5’4’ sections with a table in the middle and condoms hanging over the sides of the sectioned panels.

We were given our coffee, and two of the women sat down to talk with us (we had a translator) so we just started asking them about how long they’ve worked here, how they ended up here, and what their families were like.

I could hear the hopelessness in their voices. Even the way they looked at you was blank. So I asked them a question.

“What is your dream?”

And the response I got was heartwrenching.

“There’s no point in dreaming. This is my future. I wish I had been conceived in a different womb. If I had been, this wouldn’t be my life.”

I was literally speechless. I had no words. Nothing could come out of my mouth. I tried to form words, but there was nothing. I looked over to my teammates and their faces were distraught and some were tearing up.

I have dreams. I have goals. I have things to look forward to. But these women truly believe there is no other life for them. They are uneducated women who have sought out work in a way that they feel is their last resort.

Once I was able to process my thoughts and form words, I shared with them how God loves them so much and how He has a plan and a purpose for them. One of my teammates shared with them the story of the Woman at the Well and explained how Jesus loved this woman, knowing that she had been with multiple men. Then, we gave them a gift; a scarf and the book of John.

The two women told us that they believed in Jesus, but they were scared to get baptized or go to church because of what people would think of them and because if they do profess Jesus, their families will disown them. But, they said they were thankful that they were at the cabin because if they weren’t, they would not have met us. They said that God let them stay at the cabin so we could meet.

By the end of our conversation, I could see the hope put back in their eyes. I could see the joy in their smiles. The Holy Spirit was present in that back room and had left these women filled with something they probably have not felt in a long time.

I know these women will have more customers. And I know the enemy will try to keep them in slavery. But I believe there will also be a day when they walk away from this business. I firmly believe that God has a plan and a purpose for these women because they are so loved.

Please say a prayer for these women to find their way out of this business and to start a new life.
