The hot Georgia air. Cicada’s making their melodies at night. Ice cold bucket showers. Spiders and crickets making your tent their new home. The aromatic smell of body odor. Sweat.. Sweat… And more sweat.

That’s the physical aspect of what training camp was. It was hard. Intense. Hot. My body is so sore from the running and squatting and hiking with my pack. I can honestly say that I’m so thankful to be home in air condition and can take a hot shower with no bugs creeping on me. I’m not a camper at all, so I was mentally talking myself up saying, “Alex, just stay positive and don’t complain. It’s just 10 days”.

An atmosphere of freedom. The words of encouragement given to one another. The beautiful sound of worship. Family bonding. Chains falling to the ground. Walls broken down to the ground. Becoming a home for Holy Spirit to dwell.

That’s the spiritual aspect of what training camp was. It was intense. I cried more in 10 days that I have in the past year. But it was life changing. I found a new freedom that I never knew existed. I have gained more confidence in God than I ever have before. Honestly, I don’t even know how to describe training camp. The only thing I can really think of, would be to say it’s like a spiritual boot camp. But if God totally wrecked me at training camp in just 10 days, I can’t wait to see what all He plans to do on the Race for 11 months.

In 6 weeks, I will be heading back to Georgia for Launch and I’ll be reunited with my squad. The first place we will be doing ministry is in China and I’m so excited! These 6 weeks are going to fly by! I can’t wait to see what God has for us in China!



Please pray for me and my squad. A lot of us are still trying to raise money to reach the next deadline.

Please consider supporting me prayerfully or financially.

#SendAlexToAsia #AlexsAsianInvasion #worldrice #worldraVe