It’s always a strange experience to tell people that I’m passionate about human trafficking. I often forget to add that I’m passionate about eradicating human trafficking, not the practice of trafficking…I’ve received several strange looks for this. But the resounding question is usually, “Why human trafficking?â€�

From a young age, I was always passionate about injustice. I was both enamored and disgusted by child abuse and domestic violence. I was fascinated by orphans, by runaways, by kids who took care of themselves because no one else would. I also first felt the call to ministry when I was really young, but thought that I was way too young to experience a calling that big.

Well, fast forward about 10 years and you’ll find me sitting at the Passion conference listening to a girl from the Not For Sale Campaign speak. She was sharing her heart about the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, human trafficking. Although this was not the first time that I had heard about trafficking, it was when I knew that the Lord was calling me to use my love for all things business and entrepreneurship to do something that matters. To use all of my passions, skills and abilities that He has so carefully placed in me in order to passionately live out Isaiah 1:17; “to learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.�

I want to be a part of something that is so much bigger than me. I want to be a voice of restoration and hope that only comes from the Lord. I want  to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

                According to the Polaris Project, there are an estimated 27 million people enslaved across the world. That’s more than at the height of trans-atlantic slave trade. How could I see those numbers and not do something about it?

“The LORD works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.â€� –  Psalm 103:6