I've always loved summer. And not even because school was out, i always loved school too (I know, nerdy). It's always been about the feeling of summer. The feeling of freedom, of pure joy, sunshine, sno cones, the beach —  the little things in life that make summer great.

But the past few years I've started loving summer even more. Why? Because summer has started to represent huge times of growth in my life. Summer has been the time that the Lord has tested my faith in his providence. It's been a time that He has stretched me to the point that I can no longer do anything on my own — but the only way i've been effective is Him working in me and through me. It's been a time that outwardly, i've been exhausted, spent, broken but inwardly, He's restored my soul day in and day out. It's represented a time that i've been filled up over and over again to be emptied over and over again for His glory. It's a  time that He's taught me about humility and grace. That He's taught me about who I am in Christ. About contentment. To abide in  Him. That he  is more than i could ever need. I could keep naming stuff for several more paragraphs, but i'll summarize and say that summer is when the Lord grows me the most. Or maybe it's when I"m most open and seeking growth.

So this summer, i'm learning about God's faithfulness. I'm learning and remembering contentment and that I serve the Author of Time. I'm continually learning humility and grace (this one will probably be a lifelong lesson…remember when i said i was hardheaded?) I'm learning even more about who I am in Christ and what it means to truly abide.

And here's what i'm praying for this summer. I'm praying for growth. I'm praying that the Lord will stretch me. Every single day. I'm praying that He fills me up everyday so that i can be completely emptied for His glory. I'm praying that I'll make the most of every opportunity that He gives me. I'm praying that the Lord will use me, for whatever purpose He sees fit. And i'm praying that i continually remember that the Lord is who He says he is.

And as always, you can support me here. And you can subscribe to my blog here.

And to close, here's a video to one of my favorite summer songs.