Hey ya'll!

I just wanted to give everyone an update on trip preparation and everything else. This post is going to be a little different than all my other ones… so bear with me. 🙂

First of all, I wanted to let everyone know that I will no longer be going on the World Race Fall Trafficking Trip. I found out on Tuesday that the trip had actually been canceled due to lack of participants. Wow. I know that is probably the general reaction of anyone hearing this news. That was my initial reaction too. I was both in shock and disappointed. But i also knew that God had not brought me on this journey for nothing and that He was not surprised by the news at all. I also knew that He had not been teaching me about his faithfulness for me to just cast that away and freak out. Like I said, I found out about this on Tuesday; i was also given several options to consider and pray about. I took a couple of days to pray and talk to close family and friends who would faithfully pray for discernment and peace.

So that leads me to my exciting news — I will now be spending 3 1/2 months in Goa, India working with an organization called Rahab's Rope who works toward the prevention of prostitution. You can find out more about Rahab's Rope here. This trip is also an Adventures in Missions trip, only it is with their Real Life program, which is geared toward college age students. I'm incredibly excited about this trip as well and am already falling in love with India. I cannot wait to see why God has India for me instead of the trafficking trip.

Second, Lauren and I (and i mean mostly Lauren, she's the creativity behind our project), launched a website for the t-shirts that we are screen printing to raise money for my trip! Please check it out, place orders and send it to any t-shirt loving friends (or just friends who may wanna help a girl get to India!). http://dolovewalk-products.blogspot.com

also, a special father's day shout out to my daddy. thanks for being the wisest, strongest, hardest working, wittiest, man with most integrity that i know. Thanks for always teaching me to look for the best, and to never settle for a man that was anything less than i deserved. I love you more than the sky and you'll never know how proud i am of everything you've accomplished.

And to close, thank you all so much for the continued support both prayerfully and financially as i embark on this journey. There's no way that I could do any of it without all of your support. I'm constantly amazed at the way the Lord has blessed me with such great community.

If you have any questions about the India trip, please email me!