Admittedly, I've been quite the blog slacker. So much has happened in the past month I feel like I've barely had time to process, let alone blog.

I leave in 4 days. I can't even begin to wrap my head around that. 4 days.

And I still feel like I have so much to do. I have lists everywhere. Things to do/buy/double check etc.

But what I really need to do is stop. And rest in Jesus. And realize that after I get on that plane at 10:05 Friday morning, none of my lists matter.

I've been learning that Jesus has to be enough. He has to be enough in Baton Rouge, LA surrounded by an incredible community. He has to be enough in Kingwood, TX surrounded by family and affluence. He has to be enough in Goa, India surrounded by 6 girls that i don't know yet but will spend every day with for the next 3 1/2 months. He has to be enough when surrounded ny victims of trafficking and forced prostitution. He has to be enough in the midst of planning a marriage and a wedding. Even the most permanent earthly relationships are not eternal. They don't even begin to compare to the one I have with my Savior.

So i'm learning that Jesus is enough. I'm learning to find complete dependence in the life and resurrection of Christ. And therefore finding contentment. And it's a sweet, hard lesson to learn. But I'm choosing to look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith. Because he is and always will be enough.