Our Tanzanian Family!! Margaret adopted JIll and I and treated us as one of her daughters. She taught us to make amazing Chai, songs in Kiswahili, and though recently widowed, she wowed us with her faith and honesty. She was a gem and her daughter Sheila on my right is brilliant. I would adopt her as my little sister any day! 
Tanzanian Food! I just keep packing in the pounds because how can you not this food is to die for! Ndizi was my favorite. fried bananas but not the spanish kind. They were amazing. Top that with some Fanta and Goat meat, yum!
Safari Day! We were so pumped! Banans got smashed when Ben saw a warthog for the first time. He was that excited. We also teased our driver mercilessly (africans dont get sarcasm) about swimming with the hippos and dangling me out the car door to attract lions…ok so it was much funnier when you could see his face whenever we would joke about it!
 Out in the bush with the Maasai. This was one of my favorite weeks (if i can even say that) the Maasai were super amazing and hospitable. Excited to hear everything you had to share with them about the Lord. Every night we would watch crazy African music videos and dance with them under a million stars. It was just amazing! Do you see Kili in the background? and NOT much else! haha. Loved the African Bush!
Happy, adorbale stinkin little, Happy! I handed her a Newsweek once while i was working on my journal and she sat right next to me super still, clutching the Newsweek, and only looking away from it to smile at me. I was in heaven! she was too cute. I have to get our pics from Jill’s camera.
JIll and Lindsey walking to church. That Giant tree was our church for a week. We sat under it every day and held seminars and worshipped with our awesome African brothers and sisters!
ZANZIBAR, enough said! 🙂