This is the month where we saw we weren’t just doing ministry we were living it.
I started the race “gung ho” about all that we were gonna do, but that has changed a bit. It’s more like how do I remember the real reason I am here, when everything we do is so normal?

 Girls on Safari Day!
It is normal to haggle with people over the price of a taxi or mango (I’m totally good at this! No Muzungu prices for us.) It is normal to be in the dark as to where you will be sleeping, or what you will be doing in the morning. It’s super normal to hike through endless shacks and trash to find a place where you can do an evangelism outreach or dance your heart out in church or see the most amazing landscapes in the world as you zip by on a bumpy bus. I mean the list can really go on. So many times we stop and say, “This is our life.” It usually revolves around something amazing but EVERYthing is an adventure on this race. I am realizing that I started to love the adventure, the new people, and new experiences more than the sole reason I am here.
 Ngorongoro Crater, sooo beautiful!!!
We leave for the bush this morning. I mean the African warriors, your bathroom is the nearest bush, sleep in your tent with whatever rafikis crawled in there, Bush. Hmmm after 3 weeks of living in the city of Arusha and a brief jaunt to the breathtaking Island of Zanzibar this should be a bit of a shock. Good, Lord knows I need it!

Is my blog all over the place? I think it is. Mostly I just want you to know that I am at the beginning steps of what it will mean like to come home, and still live out what I have learned. When I am back in Texas (Or CA! Haha) and life again returns to normal, and change and amazing things aren’t the norm. How will I continue to live for Christ when ministry isn’t being presented to me as something to do, but is my way of life. This is the latest Q on my long list of ‘em! 😉

Snorkeling in the Indian Ocean! The water was super clear and super aquamarine!

How do we feel about plain white rice? One girl added PB&J to hers tonight to liven it up. I opted for 2 mangos and a banana! Needless to say I’m starving right now! But fish heads and white rice? Yeah no thanks.

Crystal, I have had so much chai it is coming out my ears. I have a recipe for ginger chai that will blow your mind, and you my dear get to try it first!
So from being out of the loop with new music, I have reverted to HS days. Court , lately  I have listened to so much NSYNC, Beatles, Backstreet Boys, Aqua, and Britney that it is quite humorous!
I am a mosquito’s (pronounced: mo-skwee-to) favorite flavor.

E– I either  lived at the base of Mt Meru or Mt Kili all month and also went to the ocean, how cali is that?! ☺

I saw a movie at the theatre for the first time in 5 months and it was Twilight, and we acted like a 14-year-old girls about it, and it was perfection!