You know you’re a WR in Puerto Barrios Guatemala WHEN

10. You grab your shampoo and race outside as soon as it starts raining to make the most of running water

9. Your tent becomes a 7lb keychain because you never use it!

8. Your bunkmates are, geckos, bed bugs, mosquitoes, and mice!

7. Rabid screeching dogs, a van with a megaphone yelling for the gas bill, and a demented rooster are your alarm clock each morning,

6. You blast ShofarFM 103.3 from your balcony even though you don’t understand a word of it.

5. Your Eau de toilette is OFF bug spray

4. 13 people are sharing 1 bathroom and only 2 accidental viewings have occurred

3. When youre headed to the beach for the day there is a casket riding right next to you on an over crowded ferry.

2. You are so hot and starved for a beach you don’t mind swimming in chocolate milk water.

1. Pollo Campero, the local fast food place is your end all be all hang out joint! (To call your family, use the toilet when the water goes out, eat camperitos, post blogs, and mostly to sit in the AC and stare at a wall, you know like the lovely mural behind us.)