A few months ago, I got a text from my friend Jared and at the bottom there was a signature that read, “HE>i.”  I had no idea what it meant and thought it must be some cool, new saying he had found. He then explained it to me that it comes from John 3:30, “He must be come greater; I must become less.” HE>i.  I thought, “That’s pretty awesome! I wish I had the guts to put that on every text I sent.” Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Alex, you really struck out on that one.  I mean, come on! What were you doing?!”  Well, in my defense, I was an idiot.  Not because I didn’t use that as my text signature, but because I wasn’t willing to put myself out there for God.
Fast-forward to graduation, Jared and I decide to put the phrase on our graduation caps. Wolfpack red caps, white duck tape, and a wonderful saying, it was beautiful, it was great!  And while a lot of people mistook it for a chemical formula (NC State is big on science), I was able to grab people’s attention and tell them what it really meant. However, I was still missing out on the true purpose of “HE>i.”
The true purpose of “HE>i” is to live out John 3:30 every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day for the rest of your life!  Its not just a saying that we should throw around every now and then, it is a motto we should live by and strive for!  When we live for ourselves, things start to go horribly wrong. All you have to do is pick up a history book or turn on the television to see what happens when “i” switches places with “HE.” 
I think it is only fitting that God put me on “I” Squad. As each individual on the squad lives out “HE>i,” we collectively live out “HE>I.”  There aren't many things more encouraging than a bunch of believers living out the Gospel everyday with pride! Its a beautiful thing!