This blog is probably pretty scattered since I wrote it in
one sitting, but I honestly believe it’s Holy Spirit inspired and the most
important blog I’ve written yet. Yes, Jacob Hoyer it’s long, but I can’t trim this one down. Sorry. It’s mostly to myself, but I hope it inspires
my squad mates as well.

I’m currently in my tent for my last night in Galway,
Ireland. Tomorrow we head to Dublin for the Awakening, a huge worship
conference for all the World Race squads currently on the field, alumni and
more. Then after three days of debrief it’s off to Kenya. So now having
completed ministry for my first continent, I’m taking some time tonight to

Well, soon at least. I couldn’t find a picture for goodbye Europe.

I just watched the World Race promo video again. I remember
watching it the first time in November and immediately falling in love with it
and knowing it was what I was called to do. In it Michael Hindes, the WR
director, talks about the whisper or rumor that there’s something more out
there. He says the whisper is Kingdom. I absolutely felt that then. I wasn’t
being fulfilled living the life I was. I needed that something more. Eternity
was set on my heart. I craved it. I remember hearing him say this again in
person the first night of training camp, and it feeling so surreal. I was set
to go on this incredible journey. I was going to have the experience of a
lifetime, and it was going to change me. That was my desire – to be utterly and
drastically changed forever. To be challenged. To grow. To come back and have
people say something happened to Alex since the last time I saw Him…that guy is
madly in love with the Lord. He reflects Jesus. He’s filled with the Spirit.

So here I am 2 ½ months in, and you know what? That whisper
has turned into a shout. Yeah, I’m living in a tent with all of my possessions
on my back. Yeah, I’m sleeping in a tent in the cold and wind. Yeah, I’ve told
some people about Jesus this month. BUT THERE’S STILL MORE!! MUCH MORE!!

The World Race is a time warp. Time crawls and flies at the
same time. I still don’t come home for another 8 ½ months, which is hard to
believe. But just as unbelievable is the fact I’ve been gone for 2 ½ already. Have
I grown so far? Yeah, for sure. AM I

God has so much to offer me on this trip, and it’s time I
start taking Him up on that. So much of our ministry this month has been under
our own control. Sure, a day might be designated as street ministry, but
there’s nobody counting to see how many people we talk to. Evangelizing to
strangers you know won’t agree with you is tough. But tough things are
stretching. They make you grow. I can’t change the world until I myself am
changed, and I allow myself to be changed when I open my arms and say God your
will be done. I don’t care how difficult or uncomfortable what your calling me
to do is, I’m going to do it.

So basically I’ve had a lot of say in my growth this month.
And I’m not happy with myself. I’ve missed so many opportunities – to spread
the Gospel, to make myself uncomfortable, to grow. Have I been a little pissed
at myself? Yeah. But I’m done with that now. Now I’m excited, I’m pumped. A
wise man once said, How much does this mean to you? Because if it means something to you, you can’t stand still. It may have been referencing college football, and that
wise man may be Nick Saban, but it’s such an accurate description of me right
now. Nothing means more to me right now then answering this whisper…this shout.
And I can’t stand still. In the words of JD Helser, I will not be silent. Fear
can hold me back no more.

I’m coming after Kingdom with all I’ve got. And Satan’s
terrified. He’s angry. Him and I have battled these last few weeks, and I’ve
let him win. I’ve engaged in spiritual warfare unlike any I’ve ever engaged in.
Hell, to be honest I didn’t know this stuff existed before the race. He’s
thrown everything he can at me. I’ve been overwhelmed with lies, feelings of
inadequacy, anger, inability to pray, and questioning what I’m even doing here.
Sometimes at night he even cranked it up a notch and I had black clouds fly
about my eyes. But that’s over. Satan you put up a good battle. You knew what
was coming. But you can’t stop the
Kingdom. You cant stop the Holy Spirit. It’s coming, and it’s going to rain.
And I’m going to help pierce the cloud.

Let the Holy Spirit rain.

I think I’ve related this story before somewhat, but it’s
appropriate to where I’m at right now, and to be honest the title doesn’t make
sense without it so you should probably read it. We had a worship night at
training camp that started with me sitting on the back wall. Through several
events including the Holy Spirit speaking directly to me in that amphitheatre I
finally obeyed what the Lord was calling me to do and ended up in the very
front and center. Worshiping madly with all my heart. The joke continues to
this day, and will likely last longer than this trip, that I was even seen air
guitaring in the front. I’ve
denied I air guitared at training camp, but I’m proclaiming right now that I’m going to spiritually air guitar the
rest of this trip.
(Thanks Aly Beeler for that phrase.) It’s been on the shelf too long. No more sitting on
the back wall. No more doing the bare minimum. No more saying that’s too
uncomfortable, that’s too challenging. I’m going to bust an air guitar string
and might even smash my air guitar over an imaginary amplifier.

I’ve been spiritually sleep walking too much recently. How
appropriate the Awakening is starting in less than 2 days. The Spirit has been
stirring in me for the last few days, and it’s started to wake up tonight.
Words can’t describe my excitement. I’m ready to worship with 500 mighty,
powerful Kingdom bringers. The Holy Spirit is going to be thicker than I’ve
ever seen it. I’m ready to come out
dripping with the Holy Spirit.
I hope Africa is because I’m coming ready or

O Squad, who’s
with me? Who’s choosing in? Who’s going
to say yes to difficulty and discomfort? Who’s ready to grow? Who’s willing to
give it all up to chase after the Lord? Who’s ready to look like a fool for
? What are you waiting for? Asia? If you want to join me, don’t look
on the back wall. You’ll find me front and center. And don’t forget your air