So here’s one final quick update from the absolute middle of nowhere New Jersey where I’ve been the last two days for leader training.  We leave tonight and fly via Paris to Kiev where we’ll land tomorrow and begin our journey.

 Team Koinonia and I will spend our first month in Odessa, Ukraine on the Black Sea working with a gypsy church. We’ll be doing some evangelical work and also working with gypsy children as well. Working with gypsies is something I’ve wanted to do since I first read about my route, and I’m so excited to be doing ministry with them.

 Thank you so much to all of you for all of your support for me and for my teammates. It absolutely means the world to me, and it is such a blessing. Thank you for your continued prayers as I actually begin this crazy journey. My big prayer requests for you now are both for my team. I ask for prayers of boldness and for real Christian community. I don’t want fear to hold us back from bringing God’s kingdom to these people we’re living with, and I want my team to be a shining example of God’s community.

 You’re all wonderful, and I can’t wait to update you from Ukraine.