Cambodia was a good month. Simple statement. Nothing too exciting. Doesn’t seem like a big deal. Wrong. The fact that I’m able to say that is a testament to the power and love of God.
The month couldn’t have started a lot worse. Near the end of Thailand I started to hit a little bit of a physical wall, then after a pretty exhausting 3 day travel stretch from Chiang Mai to Phnom Penh I smashed into that wall and broke into a lot of little pieces. I was physically exhausted to the point where just standing for a few minutes was tough and that exhaustion led to spiritual, mental and emotional fatigue as well. Rough would be an understatement.
I had been praying to God for dependence. Having no choice but to rely on Him, and boy did He answer. So I left the village my team was staying in and headed into Phnom Penh to see a doctor. I had to see him a couple of different days so I ended up staying in town for 3 days and getting some rest. Physical rest, mental rest and also just resting in the Lord. It was beautiful, and it was just what I needed. I came out re-energized.
I had this new energy, but I still wasn’t exactly where I needed to be. Basically anybody who’s met me knows I’m a happy dude. I love to have fun, smile and laugh as much as possible. However, I hadn’t been doing those things a lot the last two months. I love kids. My year before I started this trip I had three different positions where I worked with kids and loved it, but I just didn’t seem to have any desire to hang out with the tons of kids who were always around our house. I had energy now, but something was still missing. I wasn’t myself. My joy was missing.
So fast forward to our last night in the village. What better way to celebrate than a dance party. In all honestly, a big part of me didn’t want to go. I just wanted to stay upstairs and pack, but I went because I knew it was a big deal to all of the kids.
Almost immediately after walking in the room, I felt a change in my Spirit. Joy was starting to pour back into my heart. The kids were just so happy and excited. I had no choice but to join in their dancing and celebrating. They were wild: break dancing (very impressive break dancing), mosh pits, and then it happened…they played Justin Bieber. I thought they were excited before, but Cambodians love their Bieber. So we all danced like we hadn’t danced all night.
In that moment, singing and dancing to Justin Bieber, I realized what I had been missing- life, enthusiasm, joy, the real me. And God used a dance party with Cambodian children in the middle of freakin nowhere to bring it all back to me. That guy – He’s funny.
It’s not back 100% of the time. I still am having to fight for it, but I got that free taste and I loved it. I can look to that time with the kids and remember how alive I felt and that will help me push in to moments where I’m not fully into it. I can remember that time I didn’t want to dance with the kids but I did and I got to celebrate God and all He has to offer me.
So thank you God for joy, for loving me, for sweet times of worship, for the kids showing me these things and thank you for Justin Bieber.