The last 3 or 4 days have been an absolute whirlwind. I’ve told a lot of people that somehow in about a two day span, my trip went from being so far away that I felt it would never get here to holy cow it’s here and I’ve still got things to do. But ready or not I leave for Georgia to train for 8 days this Saturday, and it’s now under a month until I leave the country.

 I’m excited and I am ready for it to finally get here and to be able to meet my teammates. But right now I want to take the time to catch everyone up on what’s been happening recently.

 For the last few weeks my family has basically done spring cleaning on every room of the house to prepare for this sale to support my trip. We filled a whole room with things to sale and had many people donate stuff for us to sell. Friday, the day before the sale, I was about $600 short of my $8,500 deadline needed before training to depart. So I thought $600 would be great, but I was honestly hoping just to knock a decent chunk out of that and then my parents or I could foot the difference. Despite how much stuff we  had, I truthfully thought we would get maybe somewhere about $400, and if it was a really good day possibly even $500.

  Near the end of the sale, my mom gave me the box of money and sent me in to count if up. We had sold a lot of stuff but probably 90% of the stuff we sold was $3 or less. I was hopeful for $500 though. So I started counting out the money in stacks of $100. I hit 5 stacks and the money box still had a large amount of money in it, so I kept counting. God took my highest expectations and he over doubled them. Somehow I was able to make a little over $1,000 for my trip! I had been getting a little discouraged about money, but God totally provided and showed me He’s going to see me through this fund raising process. And thanks to my wonderful fam (even my sister who clearly planned a weekend trip with friends purposefully this weekend to avoid helping with the yard sale or seeing her brothers) for helping out and all those who brought stuff for us to sell.

Fundraising Update: I’m squeezing it in here because it doesn’t fit neatly into it’s own category or star with an R. Our sale wasn’t the only thing providing me support money this weekend. I hadn’t had any money come in about a week and right when I was getting down God sent a small flood of donations my way. I received a check in the mail, money from a relative’s friend who I hadn’t even sent a letter to and several other donations. After my mom and I got all the money together and sent it off in the mail this morning we decided to add it up and see what I’m at. My mom put the last amount in the calculator hit the equals button and exactly $10,000 popped up on the screen. Are you serious? That’s over $2,000 dollars in less than a week. Thank you Lord. What an example of His love. And now I can let myself focus a little more on the other preparation that needs to get done.

  The very next day there was a reception held at my church for friends, family and everyone who’s supported me for my trip. (How my mom got the yard sale stuff ready before Saturday, got up at 5 on Saturday to start preparing for it and then got this whole reception together is beyond me. I’ll probably inspect the medicine closet for steroids later today.) Definitely a good time to be able to see everyone and thank everyone personally who has supported my trip. It was also a blessing to be able to share my excitement with everybody and let them see this is truly what I feel I’m supposed to do and that I’m glad it is. Also, it was a comfort to be told by so many people they’ll be praying for me the whole time I’m gone because I know there will be times where I will most assuredly need it. Huge thank you to everyone who came out to see me off. Here’s a picture of the cake my mom got me. Don’t be too jealous.

Note: I don’t know who the people on this cake are. Especially the woman in red bell bottoms.

 Along with the reception, has come my another wave of goodbyes. Sunday was my last time to worship at my church or spend Sunday night with my youth kids. I’ve absolutely loved spending the last few years getting to know these kids, and I’ll truly miss them. Today I also said good bye to my youth minister who has been like my support raising super hero. I asked God to work in some awesome ways through fund raising and he chose to do so by using a really awesome person. It’s been a real blessing. I’ve said a few goodbyes to friends and still have a handful more to go. They’re not fun but at least to say goodbye that means you’re able to see the person one more time.

 So that’s where I’m at now. I leave for training on Saturday, get back the 30th, am home for less than a week, fly to New York for a family vacation and leave either June 13th or 16th. I hope to give everybody one last update after training before I depart the country and am able to give some really great updates from overseas. Once again a huge thank you to all who have supported me in any manner. You’re more of a blessing than you know, and there’s a special place in my heart for you all. 

Oh 2 last things. If you didn’t get an e-mail telling you this had been posted don’t forget to type your e-mail address in on the side of this screen. Also, if you’re on facebook I started a group: Alex Cole is going on the World Race. Hooray! So join that to get some additional updates and most importantly that’s where I’ll post most of my pictures while I’m gone.