Quick logistical update. Internet in Africa is bad – that’s not an update – it’s just a fact so it’s taken me a few days just to get enough Internet to get this posted. Hopefully I can get some better Internet in Asia and let you know all about last month in Tanzania – my favorite of the Race so far.

Today is our last day of debrief in Nairobi before we head off to Asia tomorrow. We’re blessed to have this month as “manistry”, so next month I’ll be with 12 other men in Thailand serving and praising the Lord. I’m excited to see what this month has in store – I’m assuming a lot of wrestling and grunting, but hopefully a little more.

One other quick update: we changed teams yet again – seems like just yesterday I got this last one. I’m back to having a guy on my team and continuing an earlier theme from the Race I now have Kyle on my team, another Auburn graduate. Growth doesn’t come without challenge, right? Our new team will start ministry together in a month in Cambodia when Kyle and I meet up with our girl teammates.

So that’s my life. Prayers for safe travel and energy would be super appreciated. Also, it’s now under 2 weeks until the finance deadline and I’m still sitting about $1,850 short of the amount needed to continue, so continue praying for that.

Sorry this is short. Let’s talk again in Asia.