last couple of weeks, let me thank everybody who has contributed to my trip.
Your support is a blessing. My final support deadline is exactly one month from
today, December 15th. So far these deadlines haven’t been any issue.
However, right now I’m just under $2,000 short of hitting my mark to finish up
my trip. So please keep my support in your prayers, and spread the word to help
me become fully supported. Check out the support tab on the left if you want to
help out that way. Thanks to everyone for your prayers, your support and for
simply reading my blogs. I am blessed.
get to Tanzania you ask? Well, we met up with the entire squad in Kampala for a
few days and then took off on our own private O-squad bus on a 33-hour journey
through Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The trip included 4 or 5 meals of peanut
butter sandwiches and candy bars, a lot of talking to my awesome seatmate
Andrea (if you want to know any Gosselin family vacation stories let me know –
there’s time to talk about a lot of things in 33 hours), a stop to use the
bathroom in someone’s driveway, a stop to bribe police to continue driving
after dark, and more speed bumps and potholes than I’ve ever seen in my life –
I legitimately caught air once. This made for little sleep but some thrilling
rounds of balance in the aisle against Nathan Salley. So after our day and a
half adventure we finally made it safe and sound.

capped mountains, zebras, and this amazing sunset.
now, but this month is already incredible. We’re staying with Pastor Peter and
his family, and they are amazing people. They go out of their way to serve us
at every possible opportunity. My favorite example so far: I came down with a
mild case of malaria a few days ago (don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine) and was
not able to make it through the entire church service without coming back to my
room to lay down. A few minutes later, Pastor Peter is at my door. From the
altar he saw me leave and while the congregation was singing he showed up to
bring me two bottles of Coke. The man knows the way to my heart already.
we’re a big hit. It’s very humbling to have them serve us and to see the
happiness we bring to the church members. Being the only male, the men of the
church love to talk to me. I feel like a celebrity at times because I’m an
American. It’s rare to have a day go by without someone dropping by my room
just to pass on their greetings. I’m regularly called Mr. Alex and have also
been called Chairman and my favorite – Big Boss Man. I’ll try to explain CEO to them sometime soon.
things we’re teaming with the church to do, but let me quickly describe our
Sunday church service to you. The morning service including Sunday school is
four hours long, and there’s also an evening service of an hour and a half, yet
it seemed to fly by. The worship sessions were insane and included the
following: a conga line around the church to drop in your offering, high fiving
your neighbor repeatedly while shouting amen, twirling handkerchiefs in the air
like helicopters and the whole church in unison blessing Pastor Peter by waving
our hands at him while he stood at the altar and waved the blessings toward
him. So please test these things out at your church on Sunday, and let me know
how they go over.
team. Kim and Matt returned home before leaving Uganda for various reasons
including health concerns and feeling called to continue their journeys back in
the states. They put a lot of time and prayer into their decisions and even
though we miss them we support them in their decisions. This leaves me the only
male on Team Haven and the youngest member (by a whole 8 days) as well. So I now have the honor of leading 4
older women. Yes, it’s a situation I didn’t expect to find myself in on this
trip, but to be completely honest I don’t have a single complaint about it. I
don’t want this team to change. I love each of my teammates, and we have a blast
together. The team’s really bonded well together in the face of losing two
members, and I know when this trip is over we’re going to be an unbelievably
tight family – Big Boss Man and his four big sisters.
my safety while here in Tanzania, I leave you with this notice posted on the
door of the hotel we stayed at when we finally arrived in Dar. Sleep easy mom.