Wow, I’m pretty sure it’s not real that I’m posting my own blog on the World Race web site. It was just a couple of months ago that I discovered the World Race and read so many other people’s blog entries, and now here I am writing one myself as one of the last people to squeak into the June trip. But more about how I got here in my next post. For now here’s some stuff about me.

   My full name is Alexander Bryant Cole – cleverly giving me the intials ABC. I’m 23 and was born and have spent the majority of my life in Huntsville, Alabama. No, I don’t go bare foot everywhere. Yes, I’ll use ya’ll at least once over the11 months away. And somehow despite my southern upbringing I actually really dislike country music and sweet tea. If you’re not from the south trust me that’s weird.
   I’ve been beyond blessed to grow up in the church with a wonderful believing family that’s absolutely awesome. I’ve got two wonderful parents; a younger brother/best friend Jared, who’s 21 and a junior at the University of Alabama, and a little sister Emma, who’s 18 and quickly approaching high school graduation. (I really hope I got those ages right).  Also important to note: we’re all huge Alabama Crimson Tide fans.
 See. Told you.
   I actually attended Mississippi State for undergrad and got my degree in communication. My four years at MSU were the absolute best of my life. I made wonderful friends who helped me grow to know God so much better than I did before, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.  I then went to Alabama and got my graduate degree in advertising and PR.
   After college I of course decided I didn’t really like what I had my degree(s) in. So, I had planned to take this year off and then go back to school to be a teacher in the fall, but then of course God said that’s going to have to wait another year. I’ve spent my year off from school substitute teaching and refereeing middle and high school football games. They have their rough days, but there’s never a shortage of stories to tell when you’re working with kids that often. So that’s where I’m at in life right now eagerly anticipating June and trying to get everything done I need to by then. I feel like I probably left out some important stuff about myself, so to conclude here’s a few more quick (less important) facts about myself.
  • Along with the Crimson Tide, I love the Dallas Cowboys and enjoy the Atlanta Braves until football season starts.
  • Biff Tannen from Back to the Future is the greatest movie villain of all-time. This point is non-debatable.
  • I love to travel. A lot. In the past year alone I’ve been to New York twice, Los Angeles twice, San Diego, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston. I’m ready to add not only cities, but new countries to that list.
  • I ran track all four years of high school and miss it badly. Not always the running, and not always the short track shorts but definitely the racing.
  • If there’s an intramural sport, I’ve probably played it. All the way down to innertube water polo. Seriously.
  • Probably my best skill is playing Mario Kart 64. If I could go pro, I would have years ago. Sadly, you can’t.
  • Contrary to what it seems so far, I’m not all sports and video games. I actually love reading. Even real books like the one teachers make you. I’ve read Gone with the Wind and Pride and Prejudice recently. By my own choosing. And I liked them.
  • Favorite TV shows now: Lost, Simpsons, Survivor. I’m treating this trip like Survivor minus the part where I win $1 million.
  • Favorite TV shows from youth: Full House, Family Matters, Saved by the Bell. (One of my most prized possessions is my autographed picture from the time I met Richard Haskins aka Mr. Belding. We even sang the Bayside fight song together)
  • I’ve seen Hilary Duff’s Cinderella Story at least 5 times, and I’m proud of it.

And really no better fact to stop on than that one. I can’t wait to get to know everybody on my June team (I won’t lie I’ve been creeping on most of your blogs for several weeks now since I decided to apply), and in May actually getting to meet ya’ll. (Told you)