
We started the day off by going to the hospital to pray for Fabiana, the director of a drug and alcohol rehab center around the corner from VMF. It was really great to see the beginnings of our team stepping out into boldness. Marie, Melissa, and Daniel prayed for her, and then we left. After that we went to the mall, but that's not important.

View from the mall


That evening we went to Diego and Vivian's home for house church. We had been informed they were in a really rough season of life and needed to pray for them while we were there as the Spirit led. Once we arrived, we made our introductions, but then something really amazing happened. As DIego was telling us he and his wife had both lost their jobs and were suffering in a lot of ways, God began to move. I felt that I needed to pray over them. After 10 seconds or so of convincing myself to listen to God, I stood up, walked over, laid my hands on them, and began to pray. I felt God wanted them to know He was mourning with them, and couldn't wait to pick them up and walk through this together. All of a sudden we were all praying for them, giving them words, and crying with them. It was amazing to see the Body act as the body, and an incredible privilege to be apart of it.


As quickly as it began, it was over. Everyone seemed to be aware that what God had wanted for the evening had happened and that it was time to go.




We had nothing scheduled until 7pm, so we decided to go volunteer at the orphanage around the corner. At first I was nervous about interacting with children, but then realized it was exactly what I had been saying could happen (and even wanted) for the last 8 months. I told myself I needed to show these kids God's love the best I could.


One thing I know God's wanted me to grow in is boldness and confidence in being able to share Him with others. So when they asked for volunteers to walk the babies, I volunteered. When we got back, I volunteered to feed them too. After feeding, it was time to play.

I got to walk Martin

Kayla feeding Martin


Something happened that I was just not expecting even a little bit. I had very much believed I could go in there, show love, and not grow attached at all, but…I fell in love with Adrian. He has spinal chord issues and can't sit up or stand on his own, so he has special needs, but I would've taken him in a heartbeat. I had been praying for God to break my heart and to love better, and here it became a reality. I wanted nothing but the best for this child, and would've done anything to protect him from the pain and suffering this world has to offer. I prayed God's blessing and favor over him, that someday he would come to know Jesus and His love, and laid him down for his nap. It was so incredibly hard.


I had so much fun with him


That evening, Kayla and I shared our World Race stories to let the group know how we ended up here. I wasn't nervous at all because, despite the language barrier, we are all already family.

I can't imagine how hard it will be to leave.