

I must admit I’m not very good at blogging. I’m just not very disciplined when it comes to pouring out my thoughts and feelings and frustrations. But here’s my promise: that I will try. And! You can even call me out on it when I fail to live up to that promise.


I will update my fundraising progress, and try to share some things I find funny along the way while working toward the WR. So let’s get this underway:


I became an official Route 2 member about two weeks ago and have tried to hit the ground running with all preparations. Already I’ve seen that this is gonna take a tremendous amount of work, patience, and prayer to get me to day 1 (heck, even to Training Camp). I’ve written my support letter, filled out my passport application, and even tried dealing with insurance and all the travel clinics here in Austin trying to get all the immunizations I need without spending a ton of money.


I leave you with this- I can definitely find humor along the way though. While filling out my passport application I got to the point where it asked which countries I would be visiting. Here’s how it ended up looking: