My first fundraiser for the World Race has been planned and I can tell you this:

When: It is on Thursday September 13th from 6:30pm-9:00pm 
Where: It'll be at the Andrasi's house. If you need the address, message me and I'll give it to you privately instead of posting it on the world wide web.
What: There will be a few fun things!

Root beer floats – Made with Maine Root Root Beer. They so generously donated a few cases to the cause
and I'm so grateful. It's really awesome when a product you love and have supported for so long can support you back.

Giant bubbles – For years I've wanted to make giant bubbles, and decided this was a great opportunity to scratch that off my bucket list of things to do before the Race. Trust me, it's a ton more exciting than it sounds. Check it out.

Photo Booth – Have fun with props, and we'll email them to you the following week.

How much: Suggested donation of $11.
What else: There will be some fun raffle prizes, Threads of Hope bracelets for sale, and a short presentation about what I'll be doing this upcoming year.

It would really mean the world to me if you could make it!