(I've started to write the stories of my days, one page at a time, in a journal.  These stories may or may not be slightly embellished to make the reading more captivating… I mean, after all, it's a journal of the STORIES of my days.  When one of these stories turns out to be a real gem, I'll share it with you and be sure to let you know it's story time.)

This is one of those stories…

10 September 2012 – The Brit I Met on a Bus in Malaysia

What are the odds a California boy would find true love on a bus in Malaysia?  Who knows, I mean really, that's a pretty sill question…

Upon arriving in Kuala Lumpur, my team boarded a bus, at which time I chose a seat behind a beautiful brunette, wondering if she spoke english.

No sooner had I thought of striking up a converstaion, when she turns around and says…

She speaks english, I see.  In fact, much more than that, she actually IS English!

I learned as much as a one hour bus ride would permit me to learn about this delightful Brit named Liz.

We made plans to work together in Kenya someday; I made secret plans to propose while there.

On a (kind of) serious note, she had a captivating accent that my ears could drink oceans of, has brought sustainable energy to slums in Kenya, knows Malaysia like the back of her hand, and tempted me to fall in love with her on a bus in Malaysia.

WOULD ask what you figure are the odds of us ever seeing each other again, but at this point, who cares about odds?


The girl in this story is actually quite an inspirational person who is doing BIG things at a youthful age.  If you'd like to know how you can support her drive and direction, if you'd like to help this girl change the fate of entire villages… send me an email and I'll pass your info along to this beautiful world changer.

God Bless!