Written 15 September, 2012

We departed early for a local jungle hangout, complete with class 1-2 rapids rushing past our chosen BBQ area.


Pastor Mark Shan cooked us up some delicious chicken and sausages, which we enjoyed and washed down with the pastor's own brew of the best punch ever.

We joked in the river and were refreshed by the coolness of its water.

At one point, we all challenged our fears by floating on our backs, jostling against immovable boulders as the strong current carried us as far as we would dare; Tommy and I dared to be carried a bit too far.

Just before a high bridge that many Malay youth were using as a jumping platform, the current dragged us to the bottom of a 10ft pool and did its best to prevent our return to the surface.

With grateful gasps, we eventually emerged victorious, celebrating with a cacophony of laughter.

Nearby is purportedly the world's longest canopy walk… something irresistible to adventurers such as ourselves.

We took the leasurely stroll among the uppermost branches of Malaysian jungle, pausing often for jokes, choreographed dances, and pictures of our surroundings (monkeys included).

The sun began to fall as we began to descend from the heights, and our perfect day of rejuvenation came to a close.

It was a day of adventure, from the depths of a river to the tops of the trees.

(I have other pictures to add to this, but the internet seems to have slowed down & won't let me post any others right now.  I'll get em up ASAP)

(Also… it may seem as though this has just been a month of fun adventures.  I assure you, the majority of our time has been in ministry, with 3 days of adventure.  I have 5 more blogs to write about Malaysia when the internet is reliable and consistent.)