Hello Everyone! Caroline here!
“I want you to go to the rice isle of the super market and wait for someone I want you to meet.”
That is the very strange request that I heard from God early on Monday morning. My team and I are doing a program this week called Unsung Hero where we do not have any planned ministry (or even a planned place to stay!) but we are simply listening to Jesus and looking for new ministry contacts for Adventures in Missions.
So, following the leading of the Holy Spirit I asked who wanted to go wait in the Rice isle with me, and Holly jumped up and volunteered as tribute.
As we were standing in the isle the Holy Spirit started speaking to us more. He told Holly “yellow shirt”, he told me it was going to be a man, and he told Holly that man would have a mustache, and I heard that he would speak English. After about an hour we stepped out of the Rice isle to do a little bit of personal shopping (after getting the OK from Jesus, of course). I grabbed a few new pens and some Crunch bars and I suddenly heard God say “Go back to the rice isle right now! He’s there!”
I rush over and as soon as I get to the rice isle there he was; the man in the yellow shirt with a mustache. After hesitating and (semi) stalking him for a bit I finally got the courage to go up and say hello. He did indeed speak English and we were able to talk to him for several minutes. As it turns out he is friends with several missionaries in the Panama City area and we were able to get a few contacts that we probably would not have found other wise.
I hope you are as amazed at God as I am because of this. He is so amazing, and when we listen to his leading amazing things can happen!
Meet our friend with the yellow shirt and mustache: