Hello beautiful people! Caroline here!


I feel like I’ve said this a million times now, but this mission that God has called Alex and me to is something that we cannot accomplish by ourselves. It requires that we rely on other people to lift us up and help us along. I can tell you that constantly having to ask people for support has been one of the most humbling things I’ve ever done in my life. 

But seeing the way that God has moved and worked through that, and seeing the incredible generosity of the people around us…I have no words to describe how blessed I feel.

As of this morning Alex and I just reached $14,251 towards our fundraising goal (which means we are ALMOST half-way there!!)! I am at a complete loss for words to say and blessed we feel! So, in light of that, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has donated towards this race.

You are helping us to reach a goal that, if I’m being honest, I thought might be impossible. You are being God’s hands and feet as we learn to rely on Him to be our provision. You are giving us hope that a crazy journey like this is actually possible. So:

Thank You. Thank You. THANK YOU.

You have blessed these two people more then you could possibly know.