The Lord uses the imagery of a tree multiple times throughout the Bible. This month has deeply reflected that imagery for me. During the first week here in South Africa my teammate Leticia had some words for me from the Lord. She wrote, “I feel like Jesus wants me to remind you of the David Crowder song ‘How He Loves’. And you are that tree. That you are a strong and influential woman of God.”

As the month has progressed I have had other instances where a tree has been a focal point. During my teams off day we traveled to the National Ado Elephant Park. As we were driving through the bush of Africa I noticed a tree beautifully placed on the top of a hill. The following picture doesn’t do the scene justice. In the moment of seeing the tree I was amazed by the beauty of the blue sky peeking through the branches and the way that it stood, solitary, strong, and on high. I imagined the many animals that come to that tree for shade or to bed down for the night and the protection that it provides.

You see, I am a tree. If I am deeply rooted in the foundation of Christ and expel His love onto others, then people will come to me just as the animals to that tree. I can be the strong and influential woman for Christ to these people. I can give them a place to feel safe, where they can share their experiences and stories and know that they are being heard.  I am bending under the weight of our Fathers mercy and I’m amazed by the love that He has for me. I am a strong and influential woman of God and it’s time that I begin to bear those fruits and flourish; that I begin to bear good fruits that can be shared with the world.

During my morning quite time with the Lord the other day I opened to the book of Luke. Low and behold I read Luke 13:6-9 which reads; “Then he told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ Sir, the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down’”.

I have been this tree in the past and have not bared fruit for the Lord. I see this season as a year of fertilization and growth; a year that will lead to a tree full of fruit. That I will not be cut down! I am worthy to be planted in the soil. I refuse to wither away or be cut down but rather flourish and produce good fruits.

It is only month one and the Lord is showing me that I’m planted by steams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever she does prospers. He is showing me that I am in a season that is yielding fruits that are making a difference for His kingdom. That I need not fear when hard times come because my leaves are always green and I should have no worries in a year of drought because I will never fail to bear fruit. I draw my strength and the resources to bear fruit through my roots, which are deeply sown into the soil of our Father.  

I pray that the Lord will continue to show me these sweet pieces of joy that bring my heart peace. For as it says in Revelation 22:2 “And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations” I pray that I may be used as a vessel to provide the people of this world hope. I pray that I may be a tree that is steadfast and growing in the fruits of the spirit each day. Extending my branches to all those in need and allowing my roots to be replenished and refreshed, so that I may continue to bear fruit that will be shared to the nations. Yes, I am a tree.

Psalm 1:3

Jeremiah 17:8

Revelation 22:2