As you can see from my blog’s homepage I am not yet fully funded. I have full trust that the Lord is going to provide the remaining funds and so I put into action a prayer plan. On a Tuesday night I met the Lord in the most real of places. 

I thanked the Lord for all that he has provided and all that He still has planned to provide. I thanked Him for the monthly support of $175. My heart was overflowing with thankfulness and love for my Father. 

As I was praying about all that the Lord has planned for me I decided that it was time to be bold and ask Him to bless me with a specific amount in donations before I leave South Africa. I prayed that the Lord would bless me with $200 more dollars in donations before I departed from South Africa. I prayed expecting that He would bless me and that I would see the results of His blessing. 

A week and a half went by before I saw the first sign of this blessing. I logged onto the wifi and pulled up my account to see a $100 donation. Immediately I began to thank the Lord for providing! I prayed thanking Him and telling Him that I trust in Him that I will see the request being fulfilled. 

We left our host in Port Elizabeth and traveled to Durban, South Africa for debrief. I knew that since we hadn’t left the country that I would still see the next $100 donation come in. I put full trust in the Lord and I needed to see His provision. In a way, I needed the confirmation that the Lord hears my prayers and that I’m worthy to receive His blessings. Even though I needed these confirmations I fully trusted that He would do this for me. 

We arrived in Durban and waited a day before going to the coffee shop for wifi. My teammates were having a hard time connecting and yet my phone connected right away. I believe the Lord was excited to see my reaction when I opened my email to see the other $100 donation had come in just that day! My Father didn’t just bless me with the $200 but the WiFi to see His blessing come through. I was so excited to share with my team the good news! With eyes filled with tears and the biggest smile on my face I told my team that the Lord heard my prayer loud and clear! The $200 was officially donated before leaving South Africa!

The Lord hears our prayers and wants to bless us with our hearts desires. I believe that the Lord yearns for us to come boldly before Him and bring light to the things that we need. He showed me that I have to wait for His timing and that my trust in His answer should never waiver. Doubt, fear, and anxiety are all things that are not of the Lord. He instills in us hope, security, and promises for a prosperous future. We do not need to be caught up in fear of provision because the Lord promises to take care of us and provide our every need. We must wait for His timing in all things instead of expecting results and answers immediately. 

Faith and trust in the Lord for the desires of our hearts may be one of the most challenging things we do; especially when it comes to trusting the Lord and waiting for His timing. The Lord calls us to honor Him and trust Him in all that we do. I fully believe that if we do these things that we will live a life of abundance and prosperity. Keep trusting the Father and He will provide in every way!