Ten days ago I was faced with the tough, last-minute decision of whether or not to attend training camp for the World Race. My family was going through the soon-to-be loss of one of my grandmothers, and I was terrified of leaving in the chance that she passed while I was gone. Ultimately, through prayer and encouragement from my family and friends, I chose to go.

The next day, about halfway to camp, I received news that my grandma had passed. I immediately started to second-guess my decision and I considered flying home as soon as I got there…which meant I would have to defer the Race again and leave at a later date. I went back and forth all day debating on whether or not to stay and continue on, or turn around and go home. While I would have been at peace with deferring again, I still felt I was being called to this July route, and that I needed to be obedient to His calling.

My biggest fear in staying was that my mind and heart would be absent, that I’d be too focused on things going on at home and I would miss out on all the incredible things that were happening around me at camp. But one of the things I learned this week, is that when God shows up, you can’t ignore it. And that’s exactly what He did.

He showed up in the form of my 40+ brothers and sisters that I have the privilege of calling family this next year. His goodness and kindness was mirrored in each of them as some helped me through grieving the loss of my grandma, and others as they helped me through a couple days of illness. He showed up in the miserable moments when I was tired, cold, wet, sore, hungry, etc…and turned my complaints into praise, and my tears into laughter. He showed up in the trainers, staff members, teachers, speakers, etc, who constantly spoke truth, life, and love into me throughout the week.

This week I experienced the Holy Spirit’s presence like never before, and I left feeling truly free for the first time in, well, maybe ever. I was set free from my past of guilt and shame, free from the pressure of perfection, free from the fear of not being “good enough”…and ultimately free to love fearlessly (which later helped form my team’s name: Fearless Love).


I almost said “No” to Training Camp, and by doing so I almost missed out on the most incredible week of my life. This is only the beginning for me and my amazing squad and team of brothers & sisters (who are pretty awesome dancers I might add), and I absolutely cannot wait to see what God has in store for us all this next year!!


Also allow me to introduce Team Fearless Love. This group of godly men & women already mean so much to me and I am SO excited to do life with them!




I am still in need of financial support in order to officially leave with my team on JULY 3RD. I currently still need $3,500 by June 17th. If you would like to help me reach this goal and send me to Nepal with my team, please click the “Support Me” link at the top of the page. THANK YOU.