This month has honestly been difficult. There have been so many things that have been beautiful but there has also been things that have been difficult. But through this time here in Uganda, the Lord has been showing me a new way to look at this life I am living. 


Life is best lived when you live it to the fullest. But something I have been processing has been about my own life and what I am doing. My views on this past year have changed so much. I first thought that the World Race was put in front of me because I love to travel and I love serving the Lord. Then right before I left, I felt the Lord was telling me that this was going to be a year of getting away with Him. And that part is ABSOLUTLY correct but there is also another part that is true as well. The next part that the Lord has really been showing me is that I did not take a year off from my life as I knew it. Because that is how most people look at it. Me as a 25 year old took time out of my life to go on a year long mission trip. That’s what I thought, but I have been feeling the Lord change my mind on those couple of statements right there. 


The Lord has truly been showing me that I am literally just living life. Yea sure this year was set aside to focus on my walk with him and doing ministry in 11 different countries. 


But what if life was like this every day? 


What if every day you lived out a life of ministry? 


What if you went to work expecting the Lord to do something in and through you that day?


Or what if you went to a restaurant knowing that the Lord was shining through you?


Or what about when you run errands to the bank or to the grocery store or anywhere else with eyes open to what the Lord has for you? 


The Lord has truly been showing me this month in Uganda that even though I might be on a “mission trip” I am really just on another chapter of my life. I am just living. I am just as busy where I am now as I would be at home. I have just as many distractions here as I would at home. I have realized that if I don’t force myself to get up early and spend time with the Lord, it could get harder and harder throughout the day. I am learning that if I do not get up and work out or “make exercise”, my body will begin to reject the diet that I am eating daily. I am seeing the way I am living in a different country and time zone in a different way than I ever thought possible. 


Living on the compound this month has truly opened my eyes to this way. The women here get up every day and just live their life. They get up and worship, they work, they go to classes, they care for their children, and then they spend the evening praying some more. They are just living their life and we have come in to walk beside them. 


This is what has shown me that I am just living a life on mission for the Lord. Daily. 


As I was reading a book the other day, it talked about how the disciples could be described as missionaries following Jesus but in reality they were just living life. It just puts life, following and obeying Jesus in a different perspective. 


I have loved the stillness of life here this month and just doing life with these beautiful ladies. 

